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$75.00 USD
$150.00 USD
Original Photo from Bentley Family collection featuring a young Roy and Jack Bentley bottom left, 1 and 2. Brothers of Hall of Famers Max and Doug Bentley.
Featuring brothers Jack and Roy Bentley seated 1 and 2 in front row. This team would change it's name to the Delisle Bulldogs and compete for the Allan Cup in both 1927 and 1928. It would change back to the "Tigers" for the 1931-32 seasons and again compete for the Allan Cup. Jack and Roy were older brothers to Hall of Famers, Max and Doug Bentley. This photo comes directly from the Bentley family. The photo is attached to a paper backing with a notation from the family, "Bottom Row, Roy and Jack Bentley, 1925-26 - (I think)". They were correct in this assessment.